First of you want to is to start out with is check your BMI: Body Mass Index, so you will know your weight is normal, underweight, overweight etc. So how do you know your BMI? It is easy and FREE. If you have an access to internet, check here to check your BMI.
BMI Calculator
When you will type in your height and weight, it will automatically tell you the range you will fall in. From there you can determined, if you need to lose a few pounds or more or some lucky ones may need to gain a few pounds. For sake of majority, we will assume that we need to lose a few pounds, adjust this according to your own weight gain and comfort level.
Second you want to find out how much calories you need to eat per day to lose X amount of weight.
According to Judith Beck's diet book, Complete Beck diet for life using following formula will set you in right direction for amount of daily calories you need to eat in order to lose weight. It is bit complex but I have tried it, so check it out.
For women
A =Your age * 7.31
B = 387-A
C = Your weight in lbs *4.95
D = Your height in inches * 16.78
E = C+D
F = B+ E
G = F-200 = Your daily calorie goal
For Men
A =Your age * 9.72
B = 864-A
C = Your weight in lbs * 6.46
D = Your height in inches *13.8
E = C+D
F = B+ E
G = F-200 = Your daily calorie goal
More on Part 2.
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